Brave to be Borderline

Brave to be borderline I love you. I hate you. Go away. Don’t leave me... I struggle with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder and that’s what this post is all about. BPD/EUPD is something that causes a lot of stigma, it’s confusing, complex and it changes from person to person. Because how exhausting must it be to have a Disorder that effects your personality? The personality you’ve spent your life trying to create and find yourself with. I’ll tell you this it is horrible. I was diagnosed with EUPD last year. When I got the diagnosis I was confused but it did explain a lot. Some days I can be on top of the world in the best mood, feeling so strong and able to take on anything. Other days I am crying in my bedroom refusing to eat, drink or speak to anyone and convinced I’m at rock bottom. There is no in between. One of the struggles some people find with this disorder is it’s very black&white. Good or bad. Amazing or terrible. No middle ground. That i...