
Showing posts from July, 2019

Reaching out.

You were fine yesterday... It’s all in your head.... you really need to force yourself out of bed...... just think of all the people that have it so much worse than you... Sound familiar? This post is all about mental health stigma.  It’s 2019 should there still be stigma around mental health? NO. Is there still stigma around mental health. UNFORTUNATELY YES.    Mental illness is a disease of the brain much like appendicitis is a disease of the appendix. It is an illness and should be treated with the same compassion as a physical illness.  In the UK the percentage of males who commit suicide is considerably higher than the percentage of females. Why? One reason for some men could be that they feel because they are male they should ‘man up’ and not reach out for help. Seeking help for mental health is often seen as a weakness in men. This isn’t the case. It is okay to reach out regardless of gender, age, race, sexuality everybody in this world deserves ...