Leap of faith

The brain is an organ. Mental illnesses are illnesses of that organ. Brain scans show that there is a physical difference between a healthy brain and an ill brain. The brain can malfunction as much as any other organ. Just because you can’t see the illness doesn’t mean it isn’t there. As this is my first ever blog post (which I hope will be the first of many) I’m not going to sit here and share my entire life story in my first blog post but the reason I’m writing about mental health is because it is a topic that comes very close to home for me. 75% of people who struggle with mental health conditions develop them before the age of 18. And only 65% of people with psychotic disorders are thought to receive treatment. The main cause for this is because people with mental health conditions do not reach out for help. I have always been very lucky with the treatment and help I have received but I know some people aren’t as lucky. I c...